Saturday, March 03, 2007

Dulce Jueves

Join your favorite MEChistas every Thursday from 10am-3pm in the College Center for Dulce Jueves. We will be selling an assorment of yummy treats like Arroz con Leche, Tembleque, Chocolate Caliente, Pan dulce and more. We will also be selling movies about El Salvador and the bloody Civil War that left lasting scars on the people. Learn something and eat good food tambiƩn! Please help us as we try to fundraise for our trip to Chicago as we stand in solidarity with our hermano/as in the struggle for Farmworker Justice.

Here are some pics of us in action:

CIW Action on April 13-14 2007

In April, MEChA de Vassar will be joining the Coalition Of Immokalee Workers (CIW) for a major mobilization for farmworker justice in Chicago. We will be joining a national effort to demand that farmworkers get paid decent wages for their hard work in the fields. McDonalds, our favorite little worldwide exploiter has (for two years) refused to hear the concerns of the farmworkers and their allies, so this mobilization will take place outside of their world headquarters in Oak Brook, IL on April 13th-14th 2007.

**Major rally outside McDonald's global headquarters in Oak Brook, IL, Friday, April 13, 2007.
***Carnaval and Parade for Fair Food, Real Rights, and Dignity - Saturday, April 14, 2007 in downtown Chicago.

If you would like to join us at the historic march shoot us an e-mail at and we'll discuss the arrangements.

For more info visit the CIW website at:

Representing MEChA de Vassar

On January 27, 2007 MEChA de Vassar joined the anti-war march sponsored by United for Peace and Justice in Washington, D.C.

New Meeting Time for Spring Semester 2007

Meetings are every Thursday at 6pm @ the ALANA Center